
Regarding the Washington Summit: A Plea to NATO

What is the future of the alliance in the face of the very probable election of Donald Trump next November, a flamboyant survivor of an attack against him?

Why the EU Should Replace the Eastern Partnership With a Trans-Caspian Partnership

It is time for a more geopolitically assertive European Union to rethink geographically and broaden thematically its Eastern policy.

French Sovereignty and Western Solidarity in the Face of the Moscow-Tehran-Beijing Axis

The concrete exercise of sovereignty requires a certain number of conditions, including a clear awareness of the issues of the time.

In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union

Moscow has chosen its side. A few days before the second round of the French legislative elections, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry published a message that leaves no room for ambiguity: "The people of France demand a sovereign foreign policy that serves their national interests and a break from...

Solidarity in the Carpathian Region

A cross-border area of ​​16 million inhabitants, the Carpathian region is unique in its linguistic and cultural diversity.

South Africa, an Ally of Russia in Africa and Within the Global South

We must stop treating South Africa as some kind of liberal democracy on the African continent.

On Indian Diplomacy, Sino-Russian Eurasia, and the West: Towards a Geopolitical Transformation of India?

It is often said that India, along with Iran, is part of this anti-Western club. This is to forget that the differences between China and India are old and deep.

How to Explain the Yo-Yos of French Diplomacy?

Where does the idea come from to invite Russia, which did not participate in the Landing nor does it share the values ​​that are the very foundations of our societies?

Subverting Elites and Manipulating the Masses: how Russian Interference Corrupts American Politics

Russian political culture has already permeated some American political circles. Fortunately, American opinion remains overwhelmingly pro-Kyiv, as does the Republican establishment.

On China as a Proxy for Russia-Eurasia: Lies and Historical Approximations in Chinese Geopolitical Discourse

In Europe, people are finally recognizing the depth of the Beijing-Moscow strategic axis, the driving force behind anti-Western dynamics and imperialist resentment.
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