
Thinking the Unimaginable

A transatlantic pathology: analysis of the passions and mechanisms of the populist crisis of liberal democracy.

Does Ukraine’s History Prompt Israel to Provide It With Special Support?

The defeat of Hamas and Hezbollah and the fall of the Assad regime open a new path for cooperation between the two countries.

Russia’s Future: How to Separate the Possible from the Impossible

It is necessary to prepare for the decolonization of Russia now.

Is Putinism Fascist?

Classical fascism offers striking parallels with Putin's policies. For Ukrainians, Putin's fascism is obvious.

United States: Cloning Putinism?

According to the author, the regime that Trump wants to impose on Americans has similarities to that of Putin and, in both cases, the complacency of the oligarchs plays an important role.

Putin’s New Bluff

The Russian president's announcement to change military and nuclear doctrine is aimed at dissuading Western powers from supporting Ukraine.

Under the Southern Gaze

"Non-Allied" Countries and Russian War in Ukraine: An (im)Possible Engagement After a series of minor but painful military defeats, largely caused by the lack of much-needed ammunitions, Ukraine also experienced several diplomatic setbacks on various fronts, even though Ukrainian officials still try to put on a brave face. Some were...

Why the EU Should Replace the Eastern Partnership With a Trans-Caspian Partnership

It is time for a more geopolitically assertive European Union to rethink geographically and broaden thematically its Eastern policy.

A Shared Democratic Struggle in Ukraine and France

In France, the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly had the effect of a tsunami. In three weeks’ time, we risk seeing a cohabitation that would severely test French support for Ukraine and even the foundations of our democracy. However, even in these dark times, the struggle...

Fighting an Uphill Battle

How to win when your enemy is superior in number of men and weapons? The Ukrainian political scientist calls for “reframing the fight”.

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