French Sovereignty and Western Solidarity in the Face of the Moscow-Tehran-Beijing Axis

The concrete exercise of sovereignty requires a certain number of conditions, including a clear awareness of the issues of the time.

In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union

Moscow has chosen its side. A few days before the second round of the French legislative elections, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry published a...

Tomorrow: France Versus Ukraine? A Momentum Cut Short

While France has made remarkable conceptual progress in its support for Ukraine in recent months, a victory for the far right could call this into question at the worst possible moment.

Toward a Putinization of France? 

This essay deals with both history and current events. The author demonstrates how Putin’s regime and its ideologues work to destroy French society from...

Solidarity in the Carpathian Region

A cross-border area of ​​16 million inhabitants, the Carpathian region is unique in its linguistic and cultural diversity.

South Africa, an Ally of Russia in Africa and Within the Global South

We must stop treating South Africa as some kind of liberal democracy on the African continent.

A Shared Democratic Struggle in Ukraine and France

In France, the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly had the effect of a tsunami. In three weeks’ time, we risk seeing...

Yulia Sineokaya: “We are Engaged in a Critical Analysis of the Catastrophe”

The Russian philosopher, in exile in Paris, speaks in this interview about the state of science in Russia, odious figures like Zinoviev and Dugin, and the role of philosophy in our world.

Return to Yahidne, the Ghosts of a Human Shield

The couple of writers and travelers, who have been living in Kyiv since 2023, tell us about the ordeal experienced by the inhabitants of Yahidne during the Russian occupation.