A Feigned Innocence

By Epo

Our cartoonist tackles the destruction of the Kakhovka dam by the Russians, while the Putin regime continues to claim, falsely, its innocence. As so many times already… Let us remember the Malaysian Boeing, the poisoning of Navalny and the Skripals, the bombings and destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure, also attributed to the Ukrainians, etc.

Caricaturist and editorial cartoonist. Epo is a pseudonym.

See also

Let Us Not Falter at the Last Minute

The Russian economy, including its military-industrial complex, is showing signs of exhaustion. It would be unfortunate if the West were to give in to the pressure of the peacemakers, while the Moscow autocracy itself is at the end of its rope.

Regarding the Washington Summit: A Plea to NATO

What is the future of the alliance in the face of the very probable election of Donald Trump next November, a flamboyant survivor of an attack against him?

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