“This is a Fake Button!”

By Epo

Our cartoonist Epo offers us his new creation. It parodies Vladimir Poutine who is suspected of having Parkinson’s disease.

Caricaturist and editorial cartoonist. Epo is a pseudonym.

See also

Orbán’s “Peace Mission” and the EU

Viktor Orbán is clearly positioning himself as a European link between Putin and Trump, despite the EU's disapproval.

South Africa, an Ally of Russia in Africa and Within the Global South

We must stop treating South Africa as some kind of liberal democracy on the African continent.

Most read

Russian Expansionism: Enduring Goals and Recurring Methods

Russia's messianic, expansionist and militarist propensity is inseparable from the autocratic matrix of Russian power.

Toward a Putinization of France? 

This essay deals with both history and current events. The author demonstrates how Putin’s regime and its ideologues...