Tag: alexeieva

Giorgi Gakharia: “This law Serves Russian Interests”

The former Prime Minister of Georgia explains in this interview what are the challenges of the law on foreign agents which has caused a real uproar within Georgian society.

On China as a Proxy for Russia-Eurasia: Lies and Historical Approximations in Chinese Geopolitical Discourse

In Europe, people are finally recognizing the depth of the Beijing-Moscow strategic axis, the driving force behind anti-Western dynamics and imperialist resentment.

Russian Expansionism: Enduring Goals and Recurring Methods

Russia's messianic, expansionist and militarist propensity is inseparable from the autocratic matrix of Russian power.

Why and how Russia is Transferring Ukrainian Children

One of the goals of the Russian invasion is to capture and then Russify large numbers of Ukrainian citizens in order to support Russia's declining demographics.

Comrade Putin’s Sexennial Plan

Reading this 13-page document, it is difficult not to be reminded of the Soviet five-year plans inaugurated by Stalin in 1929.

Fighting an Uphill Battle

How to win when your enemy is superior in number of men and weapons? The Ukrainian political scientist calls for “reframing the fight”.

The Quarrels of the Russian Opposition

A new documentary, produced by Alexeï Navalny's Anti-Corruption Fund and devoted to the Yeltsin period, has sparked contrasting reactions. This intense controversy reveals a lot about the state of mind of Russian society.

The Indispensable Return of America

The delay in the vote by the American Congress on a new tranche of aid to Ukraine is being paid very dearly in Ukraine and on the international scene. This delay having allowed Russia to strengthen itself, the war will still be long and costly.

The Great Russian Pretence

The Russian propaganda discourse resonates with certain conservatives. Our author looks at the way in which, far from defending a European “civilization”, the Putin regime has transformed into an “eschatological sect”.

The Russian State in the Face of Terrorism

While continuing to accuse Ukraine and its Western “sponsors” of being behind the Crocus City Hall attack, the Russian leadership is strengthening its anti-terrorist repression… against its own political opponents.