When Putin Looks Like…

By Epo

In a recent publication, Desk Russie found that Putin’s speech resembled the times to that of Stalin and Hitler. Epo pushes the comparison even further…

Caricaturist and editorial cartoonist. Epo is a pseudonym.

See also

Comrade Putin’s Sexennial Plan

Reading this 13-page document, it is difficult not to be reminded of the Soviet five-year plans inaugurated by Stalin in 1929.

The Great Russian Pretence

The Russian propaganda discourse resonates with certain conservatives. Our author looks at the way in which, far from defending a European “civilization”, the Putin regime has transformed into an “eschatological sect”.

Most read

The Great Russian Pretence

The Russian propaganda discourse resonates with certain conservatives. Our author looks at the way in which, far from defending a European “civilization”, the Putin regime has transformed into an “eschatological sect”.

When Soft Power Turns Hard

The Ukrainian political scientist calls on the West to be lucid, because Russian propagandists are using culture to give a more “humane” image to the genocidal barbarity of the Putin regime.