ukrainian voices

When Soft Power Turns Hard

The Ukrainian political scientist calls on the West to be lucid, because Russian propagandists are using culture to give a more “humane” image to the genocidal barbarity of the Putin regime.

“Bavovna” and Other Ukrainians Memes : how Laughing Helps to Keep Going

The Ukrainian intellectual Marianna Perebenesiuk tells us about some funny memes circulating on the Ukrainian Internet with great success since the beginning of the war. On August 28, the UK Ambassador to Ukraine, Melinda Simmons, tweeted a photo of a cotton flower on her table, captioned: “I have recently had...

Is Russian Culture Responsible for “Putin’s war” in Ukraine?

Ukrainian philosopher and essayist, Olekskiy Panytch, originally from Donetsk, examines in this text the Western attitude towards Russian culture. Should we stop all cultural collaboration between Russian and Western creators? Should we boycott Russian culture? Since the very beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, hot debates have erupted, not just on...
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