Anne & Laurent Champs-Massart

Anne & Laurent Champs-Massart are French authors, poets, novelists, and travelers. Their artistic approach is centered on duo writing and exploring the world. For 13 years, they lived and wrote on the road (Asia, Africa, Latin America), in what can be described as an attempt to experience the most absolute freedom. Since 2023, they have been living in Kyiv, where they work for various NGOs. In Ukraine, their writing focuses on poetry, narratives, and article writing. They are dedicated to the Executed Renaissance for French magazine Esprit.


  • Mille et dix mille pas (historical novel set in 8th Century Central Asia), Vibration, 2019.
  • Lille, braderie (a cruel novel), Cours Toujours, 2023.


  • Libraires envolés, Bangkok-Damas, La Bibliothèque, 2020.
  • Précis d’errance floue, Le Caire-Dakar, La Bibliothèque, 2021.
  • Chemin des dernières fêtes, Rio-Oaxaca, La Bibliothèque, 2022.